Xrb::EventMouse Class Reference

Baseclass for all mouse events. More...

#include <xrb_input_events.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Xrb::EventMouse:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 EventMouse (ScreenCoordVector2 const &position, Key::Modifier modifier, Float time, EventType event_type)
 Constructs a mouse event from the given parameters.
virtual ~EventMouse ()=0
 Pure virtual destructor.
virtual bool IsMouseEvent () const
 Override of Event::IsMouseEvent to indicate that this is, indeed, a mouse event.
ScreenCoordVector2 const & Position () const
 Returns the screen coordinate position of this mouse event.
bool IsEitherAltKeyPressed () const
 Returns true iff either left or right alt keys were pressed when this mouse event was generated.
bool IsEitherControlKeyPressed () const
 Returns true iff either left or right control keys were pressed when this mouse event was generated.
bool IsEitherShiftKeyPressed () const
 Returns true iff either left or shift alt keys were pressed when this mouse event was generated.
bool IsCapsLockOn () const
 Returns true iff capslock was active when this event was generated.
bool IsNumLockOn () const
 Returns true iff numlock was active when this event was generated.

Detailed Description

Baseclass for all mouse events.

EventMouse is an abstract baseclass for the specific mouse events.

Provides accessors for checking if any of the key modifiers (shift, control, alt, capslock, numlock) were active during this event.

Definition at line 211 of file xrb_input_events.hpp.

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