Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Xrb::AsciiFontFast and light Font implementation for 7-bit-ASCII text
Xrb::CharacterFilterFacility for filtering characters (e.g. for Xrb::LineEdit)
Xrb::CircularQueue< T, queue_size >Templatized circular queue object
Xrb::DataFileValueBaseclass of all the DataFile container classes
Xrb::DialogA modal widget with a set of buttons at the bottom of a built-in vertical layout
Xrb::EventBaseclass for events
Xrb::EventCustomAbstract baseclass for custom events
Xrb::EventDeleteChildWidgetUsed to asynchronously schedule widget deletion
Xrb::EventFocusWidget focus event
Xrb::EventHandlerProvides event handling, blocking, and queueing facilities for subclasses
Xrb::EventInputBase class for all input events (key, mouse and joy events)
Xrb::EventJoyAbstract baseclass for all joystick events
Xrb::EventKeyBaseclass for all keyboard events
Xrb::EventKeyDownKey-down subclass of EventKey
Xrb::EventKeyRepeatKey-repeat subclass of EventKey
Xrb::EventKeyUpKey-up subclass of EventKey
Xrb::EventMouseBaseclass for all mouse events
Xrb::EventMouseButtonBaseclass for EventMouseButtonDown and EventMouseButtonUp
Xrb::EventMouseButtonDownMouse button down subclass of EventMouseButton
Xrb::EventMouseButtonUpMouse button up subclass of EventMouseButton
Xrb::EventMouseMotionGenerated when the mouse moves
Xrb::EventMouseoverMouseover event
Xrb::EventMouseWheelMouse wheel subclass of EventMouseButton
Xrb::EventQueueControls chronological queueing and processing of asynchronous events
Xrb::EventQuitEvent signaling that the program has requested to quit
Xrb::EventStateMachineInputEvent for asynchronously sending input to state machines
Xrb::FontAbstract interface class for all fonts
Xrb::Font::Font::LineFormatStructure used in text formatting (word wrapping and alignment)
Xrb::FrameHandlerFacilitates once-per-game-loop-frame computation
Xrb::FramerateCalculatorA circular queue storing frame durations in order to calculate framerates
Xrb::GLTextureTexture object which can be used directly to render using OpenGL
Xrb::InputStateStores the current state of the keyboard and mouse buttons
Xrb::KeyContains the function mapping for a single key/button
Xrb::KeyMapInterface for alternate key maps (e.g. Dvorak)
Xrb::KeyRepeaterProcesses keyboard events and produces key repeat events
Xrb::LabelNon-interactive display widget, for pictures or text
Xrb::ModalWidgetBaseclass for modal widgets
Xrb::NTuple< T, size >Generalized n-tuple class geared towards high speed efficiency
Xrb::Rect< T >A rectangle primitive
Xrb::RenderContextProvides lowest common denominator of information necessary to render to screen
Xrb::Resource< T >Reference-counting container for resourced data
Xrb::ResourceLibraryControls loading, storage, and unloading of resources
Xrb::SerializerProvides the abstract interface for serialized data streams
Xrb::SignalHandlerThe base class for anything that contains a SignalSender* or SignalReceiver*
Xrb::SignalReceiverBaseBase class for SignalReceiver*
Xrb::SignalSenderBaseBase class for SignalSender*
Xrb::SizePropertiesStores the minimum and maximum size properties of a Widget
Xrb::SpacerWidgetA blank widget to be placed in layouts where one needs a gap
Xrb::TextureDirectly stores, reads, and writes rasterized, pixel data
Xrb::Vector< T, dimension >Generalized vector class geared towards high speed efficiency
Xrb::WidgetThe class which forms the foundation of the GUI system
Xrb::WidgetBackgroundInterface class for widget backgrounds
Xrb::WidgetBackgroundColoredImplements a solid-color widget background
Xrb::WidgetBackgroundStylizedImplements a multiple-texture widget background
Xrb::WidgetBackgroundTexturedImplements a single-texture widget background
Xrb::WidgetSkinStores widget skin properties for use in consistent and convenient GUI skinning
Xrb::WidgetSkinHandlerManages changes to the contained WidgetSkin

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