Xrb::WidgetBackground Class Reference

Interface class for widget backgrounds. More...

#include <xrb_widgetbackground.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for Xrb::WidgetBackground:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual WidgetBackgroundCreateClone () const =0
 Returns a pointer to a newly instantiated clone of this object.
virtual void Draw (RenderContext const &render_context, ScreenCoordRect const &widget_screen_rect, ScreenCoordVector2 const &frame_margins) const =0
 Draws this WidgetBackground object to screen.

Detailed Description

Interface class for widget backgrounds.

A widget background implementation must indicate how it is to be rendered to screen ( by overriding Xrb::WidgetBackground::Draw ), and how to clone itself ( by overriding Xrb::WidgetBackground::CreateClone ).

Definition at line 32 of file xrb_widgetbackground.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual WidgetBackground* Xrb::WidgetBackground::CreateClone (  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns a pointer to a newly instantiated clone of this object.

This function must be implemented by subclasses of WidgetBackground.

Implemented in Xrb::WidgetBackgroundColored, Xrb::WidgetBackgroundTextured, and Xrb::WidgetBackgroundStylized.

Referenced by Xrb::WidgetSkin::CreateClone().

virtual void Xrb::WidgetBackground::Draw ( RenderContext const &  render_context,
ScreenCoordRect const &  widget_screen_rect,
ScreenCoordVector2 const &  frame_margins 
) const [pure virtual]

Draws this WidgetBackground object to screen.

This function must be implemented by subclasses of WidgetBackground.

render_context The RenderContext necessary for rendering.
widget_screen_rect The bounding rectangle of the widget this background is being drawn for.
frame_margins The frame margins of the widget this background is being drawn for.

Implemented in Xrb::WidgetBackgroundColored, Xrb::WidgetBackgroundTextured, and Xrb::WidgetBackgroundStylized.

Referenced by Xrb::Widget::Draw().

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